I also take this opportunity to wish Prof. Appa Rao Podile - the new Vice-Chancellor - all the best, and I request you all to extend your wholehearted cooperation to him so that the University takes long strides in all the fields.
Vice-Chancellor's Secretariat
University of Hyderabad
Professor C.R. Rao Road
P.O. Central University
P.O. Central University
Hyderabad 500 046
Telangana, India
Phones: +91-(0)40-23010121, 23132000
Phones: +91-(0)40-23010121, 23132000
Fax: +91-(0)40-23011090
Email: vc@uohyd.ac.in, vc@uohyd.ernet.in
Please consider the environment before printing this email
मोहम्मद अली बेग / Md. Ali Baig,
तंत्र क्रमादेशक / Systems Programmer,
परिसर नेटवर्क सुविधा / Campus Network Facility,
हैदराबाद विश्वविद्यालय / University of Hyderabad,
हैदराबाद - ५०० ०४६ / Hyderabad - 500 046.
तेलंगाना राज्य / Telangana State,
भारत / INDIA.
दूरभाष संख्या :०४०-२३१३ २६४२ / Telephone Number: 040-2313 2642
Important Note:-
(For more information: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9_SsL-9Yi6nZU9VZGZnbUhrYlg3MXFQc0QyQnBKTGxkX2tN )
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3. Any matter to be posted on the university website should be mailed to Public Relations Officer, UoH i.e., pro@uohyd.ernet.in or webmaster@uohyd.ernet.in
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