Friday, 29 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] British Council - Shakespeare Program - DoE- UoH Faculty


Pramod K. Nayar
Department of English
The University of Hyderabad
Prof CR Rao Road
India 500 046
      Tel. 91.40.23133407;  91.40.23133400 

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[WhatsUpUoH] Internet services -Reg

Dear All,

In view of the network maintenance in CNF Data center, the Internet services will not be available today
i.e. Dt. 29-04-2016 from 17:00  to 20:00 hours.

Inconvenience regretted.

With Regards,

[WhatsUpUoH] Delete unwanted mails regularly from your mailbox to continuously receive and send mails from Email account - Reg.

Dear all,

We are getting many complaints from the university community that there
is an issue in incoming and out going mails of the domain

All users are requested to check the Email quota of their
mailbox. If the quota of your mailbox is full, the incoming mails may
not be reached to your mailid and out going mails may also not be sent
out from your mail-Id.

Hence, All are requested to delete unwanted mails regularly to avoid the

Incharge, CNF.

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Thursday, 28 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] Plagiarism Screening through Turnitin

Please find attached herewith "Request for Anti-Plagiarism Verification (Through Turnitin)" pdf file

Regarding Plagiarism Screening through Turnitin, It is to inform that library has subscribed very few instructors for the current year (May-June 2015-16). In this connection please note the following for easy process in the library.
  • Only Library is screening  theses, dissertation, M.Tech projects of students in IT Section.
  • Please submit the Plagiarism screening request form to IT Section, IGM Library (attached) duly filled and signed by the supervisor.
  • EMAIL your document to -
  • The SIMILARITY REPORT will be sent to you through same mail. It requires minimum half a day (Subject to the availability of Internet).
  • Your document should be complete, all chapters together in single file,  totally corrected by the supervisor, FINAL, and ready for submission. 
  • Chapter-wise plagiarism screening cannot be done by the library because of shortage of staff and more number of requests for screening.
  • Document should consists of only chapters  (Introduction to Conclusion) to avoid unwanted score.
  • Document can be in .DOC or .DOCX or in PDF format, but preferably submit in PDF format
  • University has permitted similarity up to 25% and REVISION can be done only if the candidate gets more than 25% similarity. Revisions cannot be done, if the candidate gets  25% or below due to shortage of staff.
  • If any past registrations (with faculty/research scholars) are active, please see that the documents are not submitted in standard repository. Please select 'No Repository' to avoid delay in further submissions of same document for plagiarism screening.
  • Not applicable to students of regional language departments
  • This service is limited to university academic community.
For full details, updates or to download the Plagiarism verification request form, please visit library website –

Dr. V.J.Suseela
Deputy Librarian (IT Services)
Indira Gandhi Memorial Library
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500046, India
Ph (O): 040 23132616

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] UOH HERALD: new post published

Ashish Thomas has published a new post on UOH HERALD: Water Conservation
Check this new post
change your preference here.

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Re: [WhatsUpUoH] About the over head tanks

We have 100s of tall white stemed trees (eucalyptus) in the campus which has very bad record of depleting water table.

"Eucalyptus is also known to cause a number of environmental
hazards like depletion of groundwater, dominance over other species by allelopathic effects,
loss of soil fertility and negative impacts on local food security issues.

I think we need to replace these trees.
Please follow the attachment.

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Ajay Kumar Koli <> wrote:
Thank you for doing this urgent task. Try to contact UoH Engineer section. All the best


On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Surya Abhishek <> wrote:

I am Surya Abhishek, an Integrated MSc, physics final year student. I have made few phone calls to different water-level sensor companies. I inquired about wireless automatic sensors which cost only about Rs. 3,500. Along with Prof. S. V. Nageswara Rao from SoP, we are trying to work on a project which will integrate all the water tanks to have a proper water level sensing unit.
I need some help and suggestions as to how to take this forward with the university.

Thank you very much.

Surya Abhishek
University of Hyderabad

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Ajay Kumar Koli
PhD Student at School of Management Studies
University of Hyderabad, India
Hyderabad - 500 046
88868 10879

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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Re: [WhatsUpUoH] About the over head tanks

Thank you for doing this urgent task. Try to contact UoH Engineer section. All the best


On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Surya Abhishek <> wrote:

I am Surya Abhishek, an Integrated MSc, physics final year student. I have made few phone calls to different water-level sensor companies. I inquired about wireless automatic sensors which cost only about Rs. 3,500. Along with Prof. S. V. Nageswara Rao from SoP, we are trying to work on a project which will integrate all the water tanks to have a proper water level sensing unit.
I need some help and suggestions as to how to take this forward with the university.

Thank you very much.

Surya Abhishek
University of Hyderabad

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Ajay Kumar Koli
PhD Student at School of Management Studies
University of Hyderabad, India
Hyderabad - 500 046
88868 10879

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[WhatsUpUoH] About the over head tanks


I am Surya Abhishek, an Integrated MSc, physics final year student. I have made few phone calls to different water-level sensor companies. I inquired about wireless automatic sensors which cost only about Rs. 3,500. Along with Prof. S. V. Nageswara Rao from SoP, we are trying to work on a project which will integrate all the water tanks to have a proper water level sensing unit.
I need some help and suggestions as to how to take this forward with the university.

Thank you very much.

Surya Abhishek
University of Hyderabad

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Monday, 25 April 2016

Re: [WhatsUpUoH] Paid Summer Internship (Work from Home Part-time) with

None of University of Hyderabad email is working..!!! so disgusting..!!...loosing may important information and messages...!!

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 4:10 PM, UoH Message Circular <> wrote:

Dear all,

        Please find here with the message  Paid Summer Internship (Work from Home Part-time) with

k vijaya

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jyoti V <>
Date: Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Paid Summer Internship (Work from Home Part-time) with

Dear Sir/Madam,

We at would like to offer paid summer internships to the students of University Of Hyderabad. This is a work-from-home and part-time internship during the summer vacations. The internship requires the intern to trace contact numbers of alumni of a college. Please find the attached detailed Job description of the summer internship (work from home
part-time), being offered by

We need the pre-final students of the university for the internship. The requirement is immediate. Hence, request you to let us know the procedure to proceed further. Please feel free to recommend students, whom you would consider to be a good fit for the role.

We look forward to hearing back from you. Please reach out to me in case of any clarifications.

Thank you.

Phone : 040 66665171

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Friday, 22 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] Paid Summer Internship (Work from Home Part-time) with

Dear all,

        Please find here with the message  Paid Summer Internship (Work from Home Part-time) with

k vijaya

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jyoti V <>
Date: Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Paid Summer Internship (Work from Home Part-time) with

Dear Sir/Madam,

We at would like to offer paid summer internships to the students of University Of Hyderabad. This is a work-from-home and part-time internship during the summer vacations. The internship requires the intern to trace contact numbers of alumni of a college. Please find the attached detailed Job description of the summer internship (work from home
part-time), being offered by

We need the pre-final students of the university for the internship. The requirement is immediate. Hence, request you to let us know the procedure to proceed further. Please feel free to recommend students, whom you would consider to be a good fit for the role.

We look forward to hearing back from you. Please reach out to me in case of any clarifications.

Thank you.

Phone : 040 66665171

Thursday, 21 April 2016


Dear Mohan K. Pillai,
I sent to <> on 29 November 2014 a message as follows:
"Dear Office of the VC, Perhaps I should mention to you, before departing this evening for Pune (to spend the next term at the Gokhale Institute), that one of the water tanks atop the Visiting Scholars House has a chronically problematic valve. Every few weeks during these last four months, water would start gushing out at a rate intermediate between that of a garden hose and a fireman's hose; I would see this (maybe a day later, while hanging out my laundry to dry) and would report it to the Guest House Reception Office; and later a plumber would come and make the tank stop gushing for perhaps, say, three weeks. (I didn't keep a log.) The people in the Guest House Reception Office feel frustrated by the frequent recurrences of this kind of problem and have encouraged me to put in a word about it with your office. The feeling is that the responsible engineer should have problems of this kind fixed in a more lasting way. With regards, Yours sincerely, Mark Lindley." 
The VC's secretary promptly sent a message as follows to the VC (Ramakrishna Ramaswamy) and to several other people:
"Sir, This mail from Prof. Lindley is being forwarded herewith for information and necessary action by Professor I/c. and EE. I would also call Mr. Yadaiah or Mr. Baqar to ensure fixation of the problem permanently."
However, that kind of waste has evidently been happening here and there at UoHyd ever since then, and so it would seem that the people who ought to be responsible for stopping it are not doing their duty.
I would also agree with you about watering the lawns. And, perhaps your VC might propose that whatever watering of plants is considered worth doing be done by drip irrigation, so as to minimize waste. (It can be done by, for instance, poking a few holes in a patch of hose, adjusting the spigot to let a very modest flow of water into the hose, and then turning it off in a timely fashion. Or, water can be put now and then in a smallish vessel with some small holes in the bottom.)
I sincerely hope that the UoHyd administrators and staff will treat you with a modicum of courtesy and regard, and vice versa, and that squabbling may thus give way to constructive steps.
Dr. Mark Lindley (formerly University Chair Professor of Economics at UoHyd, now Visiting Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Zaragoza)

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Mohan K. Pillai <> wrote:
The attached pictures are from K-Hostel. Right now. Self explanatory, I suppose. Phone call to the substation got the following response - 'you all only said you dont have water!' I hope that in spite of that, they will turn off the pump.

(I know what the response will be too - tomorrow, we won't have water at all. Is it so difficult to know what is sufficient water, and what is too much? All it takes is 1-2 days of observing. Is it so hard to open and close the right valves when turning on the pump? Is it so hard to install a few float-valves? Anyway, I'm sure some random whiny puerile and pointless excuse will be produced for all these questions. The point is, sir, not your answer trumping my question, but that water is being wasted.)

None of these complaints have been addressed yet -
This is inspite of giving printouts to the engineering department and reminders to the VC's email.

Meanwhile, when there is such an acute scarcity of water in the city and state, ought we be spending so much water on our lawns? I tried pointing it out to various building in-charges, and I got raised eyebrows, and chiding that it is none of my business. But seriously - lawns? Not even saplings or young trees. Lawns??! Can't we do away with lawns for a few months? We could grow them again come July? Please? It's none of my business, sure, but it hurts to see so much water that could be used being thrown away at lawns.

When the administration is waiting with itchy palms to throw students out of the campus and is contemplating shutting down hostels citing water shortage, but still spends so much water on its lawns, I can only ironically wonder about the priorities that we seem to adopted.

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[WhatsUpUoH] Re-constitution of University Academic Grievance Redressal Committee - Reg.


Please find Attached herewith the  notification of Re-constitution of University Academic Grievance Redressal Committee  .

Devesh Nigam
Controller of Examinations I/c


Wednesday, 20 April 2016


The attached pictures are from K-Hostel. Right now. Self explanatory, I suppose. Phone call to the substation got the following response - 'you all only said you dont have water!' I hope that in spite of that, they will turn off the pump.

(I know what the response will be too - tomorrow, we won't have water at all. Is it so difficult to know what is sufficient water, and what is too much? All it takes is 1-2 days of observing. Is it so hard to open and close the right valves when turning on the pump? Is it so hard to install a few float-valves? Anyway, I'm sure some random whiny puerile and pointless excuse will be produced for all these questions. The point is, sir, not your answer trumping my question, but that water is being wasted.)

None of these complaints have been addressed yet -
This is inspite of giving printouts to the engineering department and reminders to the VC's email.

Meanwhile, when there is such an acute scarcity of water in the city and state, ought we be spending so much water on our lawns? I tried pointing it out to various building in-charges, and I got raised eyebrows, and chiding that it is none of my business. But seriously - lawns? Not even saplings or young trees. Lawns??! Can't we do away with lawns for a few months? We could grow them again come July? Please? It's none of my business, sure, but it hurts to see so much water that could be used being thrown away at lawns.

When the administration is waiting with itchy palms to throw students out of the campus and is contemplating shutting down hostels citing water shortage, but still spends so much water on its lawns, I can only ironically wonder about the priorities that we seem to adopted.

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[WhatsUpUoH] GATE Fellowships processing during vacation period - Reg.


Please find Attached circular for GATE Fellowships processing during vacation period.

Devesh Nigam

Controller of Examinations I/c

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[WhatsUpUoH] Fwd: seminar on 21st & 22nd

---------- Forwarded message ----------

2-day seminar organized by The Hyderabad Collective

Speakers: P. Sainath, Prof. Gopal Guru, and so see the attachment.

Thanks & Regards:

Abu Saleh
PhD Research Scholar @ Centre for Comparative Literature (CCL)
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad (UoH), India.
Mobile: +91 94 94 24 26 45

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Tuesday, 19 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] Guest House Management Committee - 15.04.16

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached herewith

"Constitution of Guest House Management Committee -

k vijaya

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[WhatsUpUoH] invitation

Dear all

Please find attached herewith a invitation.

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[WhatsUpUoH] Fwd: Please send to all users

Dear all,

Please find attached here with the invitation poster for talk.


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Friday, 15 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] People's Tribunal will be held at National Cement Bhavan, Gachibowli on 16th April at 10 am

Dear Friends,

Please find below the Schedule of the People's Tribunal being conducted by the Forum for Social Justice. Also note that the venue is changed to National Cement Bhavan, adjacent to the Shah Ghouse Hotel at Gachibowli. The hearing will begin at 10 am and close at 4.15 pm.  

Please circulate this mail and do attend. Lunch will be provided.

We request you to confirm your participation.   


People's Tribunal on Caste Discrimination and Police Action in UoH

National Cement Bhavan, Gachibowli, Hyderabad


Welcome and introduction to the Tribunal: Prof Rama Melkote, Forum for Social Justice 

First Session: 10 am to 1 pm

Testimonies on Caste Discrimination (10.15 am to 11.30 am)  

Dr.Velpula Sunkanna 

Mr.Sheshaiah Chemudugunta, Research Scholar, Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, UoH

Radhika Vemula, mother of Rohith Vemula

Dr.K.Lakshminarayana, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, UoH

Testimonies on Police Action (11.40 am to 12.30 pm) 

Ms.Firdaus Soni, Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, UoH

Ms.Ishani Ghorai, Project Fellow, Department of Political Science, UoH

Mr.Zuhail K P, Research Scholar, Department of Physics, UoH

Mr.Uday Bhanu, Research Scholar, Department of Telugu, UoH 

Dr. K.Y.Ratnam, Director, Centre for Ambedkar Studies, UoH

Prof. Amita Dhanda, Head, Centre for Disability Studies, NALSAR 


Official  Witnesses (12.30 pm – 1 pm)


Registrar, University of Hyderabad

Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad

Lunch: 1 to 2 pm

Second Session (2 pm to 4.15 pm)

On Suicides & Rustications

Prof Vinod Pavarala, Department of Communications, UoH. On the UoH  Committee Report into the circumstances leading to Senthil Kumar Suicide (2008).


Prof Sasheej Hegde, Department of Sociology, UoH: On the UoH  Committee Report into the circumstances leading to the suicides of Puliya Raju (April, 2013) & Madari Venkatesh (December, 2013).   


Mr. Kaki Madhava Rao, Rtd Chief Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh: On  the rustication of two students in EFL University.


Prof Susie Tharu, Rtd Professor, EFL University:  The Challenge of Inequality in the University.

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Tuesday, 12 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] Circular dated 12 April 2016

Dear all,

The circular of " 125 birthday celebrations of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar for one year" is attached herewith.

CAMPUS Network Facility

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Monday, 11 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] Fwd: Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities


Kindly find enclosed herewith the advertisement for the "Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities".

Assistant Registrar - P-II

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[WhatsUpUoH] RGUKT notification for faculty position


Please find the RGUKT notification for recruitment of faculty position
attached herewith.


With regards

P. Upender

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Saturday, 9 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] UoH ranked high among India's Outstanding Universities for the year 2016

Dear sir/Madam,

Pleasse click the following links for " UoH ranked high among India's Outstanding Universities for the year 2016" information.



UoH ranked high among India's Outstanding Universities for the year 2016



Survey carried out among 826 plus universities by Careers360, a publication by the Outlook Group


Ranked First overall among Central Universities


 Only University to be categorized as Exceptional (95-99 percentile) in all parameters


The University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been ranked high among India's Outstanding Universities for the year 2016 according to a survey carried out by the Outlook group publication, Careers360 and published in their March 2016 issue. Among the 826 degree awarding institutions of the country though UoH is at 7th position, it is the First among the Universities. IISc-Bangalore, IIT-Mumbai, IIT-Kharagpur, IIT-Madras, IIT-Delhi and Institute of Chemical Technology-Mumbai are the top six.


UoH is the only institution listed in the Exceptional category among the 150 public institutions.


The survey ranks the UoH at First position among the Central Universities. It was second in the previous year. More than 826 universities and institutions were researched for the publication record from Web of Science and Elsevier's Scopus, Patents (both granted and approved), NAAC rating score and student-faculty ratio. The University was rated based on Academic Output, Citation Impact, Intellectual Property, Research Productivity (per core academic and research personnel), and Learning (Accreditation, Student-Faculty ratio and PhD's). Factors like incubation units, research income, consultancy assignments, curriculum design, international outlook and outreach have also been taken into consideration while ranking the institutions.


UoH has been ranked high in the criteria of Impact, Intellectual Property and Learning. Overall the UoH has been ranked AAAAA which puts the University as Exceptional with a percentile in the range of 95-99UoH is the only University in this category among the Multidisciplinary – Public Sector Institutions. Being the best and only one in this category the survey says, "Among the public-funded universities, University of Hyderabad still maintains the best, and is an all-round performer." Last year (2015) the UoH was ranked AAAA+ which is Outstanding with a percentile of 90-94. This year Jadavpur University, BHU, University of Delhi, Panjab University have been placed in AAAA+.


Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice-Chancellor, UoH dedicated this honour to the University fraternity and Alumni. "While we are happy that UoH is being recognized among the top institutions of the country by MHRD and other ranking agencies, our goal is to work towards becoming one of the top Global Institutions", he added.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] crs talk-Reg

Dear All,











Monday, 11 April 2016, 3:00- 4:00 p.m.



New Seminar Hall, School of Social Sciences



Professor Avaya Chandra Mohapatra

(Department of Geography, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong)


[WhatsUpUoH] Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam Concert by Students of Dance Department - 7 April 2016 at 6:16pm in DST Auditorium-reg

Dear All,

The students of the Department of Dance will be performing Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam in the campus concert series today (7 April 2016) at the DST Auditorium at 6:15pm. This concert is the last in this semester.


All University fraternity are invited for the performance and your presence will be an encouragement for our student performers.

Please find the attached file.

PROs office

[WhatsUpUoH] Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam Concert by Students of Dance Department - 7 April 2016 at 6:16pm in DST Auditorium

Dear All,

The students of the Department of Dance will be performing Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam in the campus concert series today (7 April 2016) at the DST Auditorium at 6:15pm. This concert is the last in this semester.


All University fraternity are invited for the performance and your presence will be an encouragement for our student performers.

Please find the attached file.

PROs office

[WhatsUpUoH] UPE Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Heinz D. Kurz - Reg.

Dear All,

The School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, is organizing a UPE Distinguished Lecture on "Adam Smith on Markets, Competition and Violations of Natural Liberty" by Prof. Heinz D. Kurz, University of Graz, on Tuesday, the 12th of April, 2016.  Please find the attached files for the details of the lecture and the speaker.

With regards,

Prof. G. Omkarnath

Office of the Dean
School of Economics
University of Hyderabad
P.O.: Central University
Professor CR Rao Road
Hyderabad - 500 046
Phone: 040-23133100

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] Appeal from the Vice-Chancellor


The 76th meeting of the Academic Council (AC) of University of Hyderabad is scheduled to be held tomorrow, the 6th of April 2016. The meeting comes on the heels of the announcement of high national ranking achieved by the University. In particular it is rated the best in meeting the requirement of Social Justice. 


While we are proud of this ranking, we are acutely aware of the immense responsibilities and challenges that are ahead of us in making this institution more accessible, inclusive, and equitable for all sections of society.  In this spirit, the AC meeting will discuss, among others, the setting up of an Ombudsman, the constitution of an Equal Opportunity Cell, and the appointment of an Anti-Discrimination Officer in line with relevant UGC Regulations of 2012.  


Other important business at the AC meeting includes finalization of admissions schedule/entrance exam schedule and crucial academic decisions for the new academic year. I appeal to all sections of the University community, including students, teaching, non-teaching staff to kindly cooperate for successful conduct of the Academic Council Meeting.




Monday, 4 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] Campus Concert "Kuchipudi & Bharatnatyam Classical Dance" on April 7, 2016.

Dear all,

"Campus Concert - Kuchipudi & Bharatnatyam Classical Dance by
the students of Department of Dance, on April 7, 2016".

Please click the below link for invitation brochure.

Campus Network Facility

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[WhatsUpUoH] UoH among India’s best Universities

Dear all,

      "University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been ranked among India's best Universities released by the Hon'ble Human Resource Development Minister Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani on Monday 4th April 2016 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhil".

Please find attached here with the pdf document.


Friday, 1 April 2016

[WhatsUpUoH] 4KM Walk in Hi-Tech City Hyderabad city from 7 AM on 17th April, Sunday.

4KM Walk in Hi-Tech City Hyderabad city from 7 AM on 17th April, Sunday.

This event is free of cost, people willing to donate can do on that day at the event.
Every person will walk with one differently abled person.
Differently abled person can be taken on wheel chair, or deaf and dumb can walk normally along with others.
A small seminar highlighting the schemes for differently abled by Central and state governments.
Potential Startup or business plans by them can be connected to nearest incubators.
Donating few basic utilities to the people who are struggling hard to lead a normal life.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan​ and few Movie Stars.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, will launch the event with a small speech.

The event will celebrate the never dying spirit of differently abled persons.
Make an awareness for Accessible India Campaign through which government wants to make every public place easily accessible for them.
A team of experts will conduct workshops for sensitizing the main parties including activists.
Promote the state government's policies and schemes for them

4KM Walk in Hi-Tech City Hyderabad from 7am on 17th April, Sunday.
75 participants to walk with 75 differently abled.
Participants Team Registrations and T-shirt distribution to begin from 6 a.m.
People who have registered online please report by 6 a.m
(First come first serve).

Every person will walk with one differently abled person.
Differently abled person can be taken on wheel chair, or deaf and dumb can walk normally along with others.

A small seminar highlighting the schemes for differently abled by Central and state governments.
Potential Startup or business plans by them can be connected to nearest incubators.
Donating few basic utilities to the people who are struggling hard to lead a normal life (If the participants wish to).

  • Best 3 teams to get Gold , Silver and Brozne Medals respectively. (Judging Criteria to be informed on that day).
  • T-shirts and Certificates for all the participants.

Best Business idea / Start-up Idea from the differently abled would be connected to the appropriate Incubator.

Please Register to ParticipateNew

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