Since the university was closed from 15.1.2016 onwards due to unforeseen circumstances, it is to inform that the borrowed books having due dates between 15-31, January 2016 can be returned/renewed on or before 10th February 2016 to library without overdue charges.
Please note that this facility is limited to the books borrowed/renewed with due dates 15-31, January 2016
In case of any problem with online renewal, you may please come personally to IGM Library, circulation counter for renewing books.
Overdue charges will be levied as per rule, for the books bearing the due date prior to 15.1.2016 and not returned/renewed.
All the Students/Research Scholars and Visiting/Temporary faculty may please note this and avail the facility.
Dr. V.J. Suseela
Head IT/ Circulation Services
Indira Gandhi Memorial Library
University of Hyderabad